Get the right people in the right program at the right time, and monitor progress effectively.

Vant4gePoint Treatment Pathways and Case Plan Module make Vant4ge’s case planning system unlike any other, eliminating the guesswork in creating case plans and the inequitable assignment of services between clients. Our platform collects validated results from multiple sources to automatically create customized case plans with programming prescriptions tailored to the risk level and needs of each client.

Our system is an advanced, fourth generation case planning system — an assessment driven, automated case plan (Case Plan Module) leading to behavioral objectives and “point and click” treatment interventions (Treatment Pathways Module).

Upon completion of the validated assessment (such as Vant4ge’s proprietary STRONG-R or M-PACT), Vant4gePoint™ uses the assessment results to display a narrative and graphical representation of prioritized criminogenic needs as a starting point and recommended treatment/programmatic interventions. The Case Plan Module then guides officers and case managers through a user-friendly, wizard-based sequence of screens that formulate customizable goals/objectives and actions/interventions (or accepting the ones recommended by the Treatment Pathways Module), forming the core of evidence-based supervision planning. The system is highly configurable in order to allow each jurisdiction to add/delete/modify the standard domains, goals, interventions, programs, and reports.

Case managers can assign clients to traditional programming options available in the community and/or to digital programming available through Vant4ge’s Learning Management System (LMS), and programming can even be scheduled through the system. With the inclusion of Vant4gePoint’s Provider Portal, this feature becomes even more powerful, allowing real-time communication and attendance tracking.

Vant4gePoint also includes a national Provider Directory, a database of over 200,000 programs, easily searchable using a variety of criteria including location and criminogenic need domains.

Board of Parole Dashboard
The Parole Dashboard allows the board of parole to get an instant snapshot of an offender’s progress in his case plan, including rehabilitation, programming, compliance with plan requirements, and exit plan for life outside of prison or jail.