The Modified Positive Achievement Change Tool (M-PACT) is a fourth-generation risk-needs-responsivity assessment system for justice-involved juveniles. Research validated as the most predictive juvenile assessment tool in the industry, the M-PACT is only available through Vant4ge.

Key features

  • – Sophisticated, all-in-one software assessment system
  • – Complete integration with any case management system
  • – Highly configurable case planning/management module
  • – Customized to each jurisdiction
  • – Predicts multiple risk/needs models and outcomes
  • – Customized versions for community and residential settings
  • – Integration APIs designed to save time and increase accuracy
  • – Robust reporting engine with advanced ad hoc reporting

The M-PACT measures a youth’s risk and protective factors across 12 domains (aggression, alcohol and drugs, attitudes/behavior, criminal history, employment, family, living arrangements, mental health, relationships, school, skills, and use of free time).

The M-PACT scoring models go beyond simply identifying youth as high, moderate or low risk to reoffend. They also identify high risk categories (violence, property crime, drug, and overall felony risk) so individual profiles are more predictive. These proprietary models are part of what makes the M-PACT the most predictive juvenile assessment in the criminal justice field.

An Assessment for All Your Needs

The M-PACT manages all decision points along the juvenile continuum of care.

The M-PACT™ Low Risk Screener is brief (46 items) and typically administered at the intake stage with in-custody and out-of-custody referrals. It is used to screen out those minors who are low risk to reoffend. Screening those who are low risk with a brief assessment saves time and allows officers to focus more time and energy on higher risk offenders. Because all items on the M-PACT Low Risk Screener are also items included in the Full M-PACT, there is no need to repeat those items if a youth needs the Full M-PACT. A continuation of the assessment is all that is required.

The Full M-PACT™ is a longer assessment (126 items) designed to be used with youth who are identified as “not low risk” on the M-PACT™ Low Risk Screener. It includes the M-PACT™ Risk Assessment Models and the M-PACT™ Needs Assessment Models.

The Residential M-PACT™ is designed to be used with youth who are incarcerated or placed in some other residential setting.

The Prevention M-PACT™, the newest addition to the M-PACT™ portfolio, is designed to be used with youth who have exhibited some delinquent behavior but are not yet involved with the criminal justice system. It identifies those youth who are most at risk of further delinquency and future involvement in crime.

Gender Responsive
Unlike other risk-needs assessments, the M-PACT is truly gender specific and responsive. While other assessments simply apply different risk cut points for males and females, the M-PACT has separate predictive models for males and females.

Predictive Validity
The M-PACT is an advanced evolution of the PACT. In 2015, researchers Hamilton, van Wormer, and Barnoski further extended the predictive strength of the instrument when developing the M-PACT™ scoring solutions and validation. Using a large sample (N=32,000) of probation youth and a retrospective research design, the researchers created gender specific samples, outcome specific models (‘any’, felony, violent felony, property felony, and drug felony), and analytically weighted models.

For both genders and all offense types (general felony, violent, property, and drug crimes). The M-PACT demonstrates higher levels of predictive validity than the PACT.

The M-PACT can be validated using your offender population to maximize its predictive validity even further.

Contact us for more information about M-PACT validity.